Dear Alice Friends,
Welcome to the journey of the Alice in the wonderland of India in 2023. This is the first newsletter of this year and therefore we have tried to cover up all the events happened till now.
Alice & teachings of HH Dalai Lama:
The newly arrived chakma students, some teachers and the students of Bodhagaya and Sarnath schools attended the holy teachings of the HH the Dalai Lama. It was a great moment for all of us to listen the holy teachings. After the teachings on 18th January 2023 Mr. Valentino sir, our president Mr. Tsweang Tenzin la, president of our Italian NGO Ani Agata Montevecchi got a chance to meet HH the Dalai lama in the leadership of HE. Gosok Rinpoche .
On this occasion H.E. Gosok Rimpoche gave following message to HH the Dalai Lama:
“The condition at Valentino’s school is stable and healthy. Education policy is also very good, but due to some difficulties they are facing, he dropped out school and for me it’s administrative roles. And that Valentino is such a religious, kind and genuine person. “and healthy. Education policy is also very good, but due to some difficulties they are facing, he dropped out school and for me it’s administrative roles. And that Valentino is such a religious, kind and genuine person. “and healthy. Education policy is also very good, but due to some difficulties they are facing, he dropped out school and for me it’s administrative roles. And that Valentino is such a religious, kind and genuine person. “

His Holiness Respond as follows:
“Alright. You have done everything at your best till date and being my follower, I request you to continue
doing it . I really appreciate it.”
After this event, we have offered the Project to H.E. Gosok Rinpoche, after approaching other institutions. Here
the list of the institutions that have been contacted before making it for final:
- Vivekananda Trust, Varanasi.
- Christian nuns of Sarnath.
- Ricostruttori nella preghiera (Padre Tamussi, Padre Bormolini).
5.Minghyur Rinpoche’s monastery (Bodhgaya). - Sai Baba Trust (Ezio Codato).
- Monastery Sakya, Pokhara (Nepal).
8.Tenzin Wanghyal Rinpoche (Bonpo).

Important Visitors at Alice: After this successful meeting with HH that Dalai Lama, many people sent their
wishes and congratulations to Mr. Valentino for the successful work that Alice is doing in last 3 decades.
After the meeting it was alike a miracle, many visitors paid a visit at schools of Bodhgaya and Sarnath as well.
Mr. Valentino expressed himself as follows:
IT’S RAINING VISITS TO THE BODHGAYA SCHOOL: For some weeks now, the school has been receiving visits from
foreigners from various countries interested in Alice’s methodology and vision. We show our numerous publications (mathematics, English, philosophy…) and explain the cognitive and educational objectives above all, we comment on a quote from the neuroscientist Arnaldo Benini: “The reality of the world we live in is not external, but the one that our brain creates by processing the information coming from internal sensations, in the cognitive mechanism of the brain… The brain does not project anything out there, because what we perceive as external and we live in is, in fact, within us.” This is the … gospel that inspires Alice’s pedagogy, a cultural revolution that was defined by Dr. Andrea Bocconi (writer, psychotherapist, father of transpersonal psychology and psych synthesis) as the “Montessori of the 21st century.

President of Unione Buddhista Italiana at Alice Project , Bodhgaya: One of the many important visitors was
Mr. Filippo Scianna, who at first met the president Mr. Tsewang Tenzin la, and then the other day he paid a
visity to the Bodhgaya School and met Mr. Valentino sir. Mr. Fillippo was very impressed to the see the school
and to meet the new chakma students who have recently come from Arunachal. They were very happy to meet
these little ones who welcomed Mr. Fillippo and his wife and other honoured visitors with smiling faces, warm
hearts and garlands in their hands.
Mr. Filippo Scianna and his wife at the school in Bodhgaya. A very sensitive and intelligent people don’t need much to read and understand the reality of an institution, beyond the formalities. Alice is a complex experience that has managed to survive many storms, enemy fire and, unfortunately, also friend. There have been many tests in thirty years of experimentation. This noun “experimentation” of a new cultural paradigm for the education of the future is important.
A pedagogy inspired by the wisdom of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian and Muslim mystics (Sufis), neuroscience and transpersonal psychology. We have to give UBI credit for keeping us alive in…the (economic) recovery room during a major internal crisis and Covid.
Most likely, we would have had to close a school or two. Therefore, the meetings with the president of UBI and, first, with Giovanna Giorgetti, the charismatic and empathetic vice president, were an opportunity to get to know each other better
and, for my part, also an occasion to express my deep gratitude by offering them the results of our research.
Thank you, therefore, for what you have done for Alice and for your promise to continue to support us in order to give hope of (inner) happiness to the new generations of this adrift planet, devoid of security and of a spiritual, ethical, moral education. , transgenic in schools. Let’s walk together to build a better world.
We thank and look forward to the schools also the second vice president of Ubi, Elena Seishin Viviani. I take this
opportunity to invite you, together with the other respondents, to the conference on the philosophy of non-dualistic schools, organized by an Institute of Varanasi affiliated to the Sanskrit University. On that occasion, a parchment will be awarded in which the value of Alice’s thirty-year educational research is recognized.
We would be honored to introduce the UBI leaders to the scholars who will participate in the conference.- Valentino Giacomin
Teachers training and workshop: During the winter vacations, teachers were free from the regular lessons, as
the students were not here, therefore to utilize this time in the best way we decided to organize an online
teachers training with the teachers of Bodhgaya and Sarnath Schools. It was a practical training about the how
to teach subjects like Math, English, History, and so on. But at the same it also included the more important
aspect of the teaching which was the special program (philosophy) lesson, meditation sessions and the Yoga
lessons with Master Sanjay Yogi..
Common lesson (online) on Alice’s vision:
The didactics are being tested for a future training course for “Ethics counsellors”, who should intervene in public and
private schools to promote awareness and self-knowledge based on a non-dualistic vision of reality.
Alice’s turning point is this: with the support of Rimpoche, who has agreed to take charge of our schools, we will try to share the values and benefits of our educational experimentation with students from other schools in India and other countries.
In other words, Alice is about to leave the … nest to take flight towards new educational adventures.
If not now, when?

Annual exams and reopening of the new Academic Year
As every year in the month of March the annual exams were conducted at the Alice’s Schools. The students did very well in it at the school level and at the state level also, the performance was extremely wonderful. 98% of the students passed the Annual state level exams with high performance.

And when the new academic session started 175 students at Sarnath Branch, 103 students at Bodhagaya and 35 students at Arunachal took admission this year. Thus the total number of the students in all the 3 schools is 1499, who are studying in classes LKG to 12th all the branches of school.
It was an honour for all of us to welcome Stella ( Stella Emolo , Project manager Shining Hope foundation) and Kristina, the two wonderful ladies. Who were extremely happy to meet the students, teachers and all the members of the Bodhgaya Branch. The presidents Mr. Tsewang Tenzin and the representatives from Sarnath, Mr. Boom Dorje and Mr. Sudhakar Prasad. Not only this, the students and the teachers of Sarnath and Arunachal branches also met them through the online connection.
“Alice’s school is really cool. It’s so different to see it from the place! Knowing Alice with pictures, photos, reports and all these things is nothing. Alice is so much more.”- Stella Emolo

Unfortunately Mr. Valentino sir, was not physically present there, but he was very pleased to listen about this visit and he dedicated his feelings about this visit as follows :
A compliment made this morning to Alice’s staff and students of the Bodhgaya school by Stella Emola who, together with her colleague Kristina Teslenko, had been sent by the leaders of the Shining Hope Foundation (Serge Sa e Astrid Saint-Arnoult, based in Luxembourg), to visit the school, after three dramatic years of Covid “pause”.
Shining Hope represents for Alice the… Renaissance. Thanks to the intelligence and generosity of the family responsible for the SH Foundation, Alice was launched beyond the walls of the schools, towards a new dimension. They have represented Providence for us for several years.
Thanks to them, we were able to build two schools (Sarnath and Bodhgaya) allowing us to welcome several hundred more students every year.
A compliment made this morning to Alice’s staff and students of the Bodhgaya school by Stella Emola who, together with her colleague Kristina Teslenko, had been sent by the leaders of the Shining Hope Foundation (Serge Sa e Astrid Saint-Arnoult, based in Luxembourg), to visit the school, after three dramatic years of Covid “pause”.
Shining Hope represents for Alice the… Renaissance. Thanks to the intelligence and generosity of the family responsible for the SH Foundation, Alice was launched beyond the walls of the schools, towards a new dimension. They have represented Providence for us for several years.
Thanks to them, we were able to build two schools (Sarnath and Bodhgaya) allowing us to welcome several hundred more students every year.
International Yoga day celebration and the reopening of the Schools: On 21st of June, the international Yoga day was celebrated with the teachers, hosteller students and all the staff. The Yoga masters Mr. Sanjay Yogi and Mr. Arun Kumar Shukla skilfully led the session of Asana Practice and the Pranayama.
After this the principal of institution Mr. Mishra thanked all the participants who came to join the celebration. At the same time other speakers gave their valuable ideas about the importance of Yoga

Here we would like to share will all of our reader friends that, Alice has been one of the first institution, that started practicing Yoga in its schools since 1994.It was extremely difficult to find a master in those days. After searching so much we could find one master and even he agreed to come only once a week. It was a challenge for us. But we took it as advantage and we started to train our teachers, and 10 teachers got the diploma certificates from the Bihar Yoga Bharti, while 25 teachers and senior chakma students got diploma in Yoga form the Benaras Hindu University. Master Sanjay has completed his Master course in Yoga and therapy and is currently doing preparation for the Doctorate course. And thus the schools also reopen. Actually every year we reopen the school ealier than all the other insitutions. This gives time to make the necessary arrangements and the preparation.

Debbie La visits the school for the second time and support from the Vimala Association: In August Debbie La, paid a visit at the Alice School for the second time. There were 2 very important people Mr. Gianni Chiarelli and Ugo Anato, collaborators and the members of Onlus Vimala.
I will be an ALICINA in the next life. I am so happy to see all of you.So many new faces and many old face too. I am so happy to see all of you. It is the second time that I am here, but if I say the truth. I never went away from here. I am always here– Debbie La
When I visited last year, in all these months, my heart was always here. Now after seeing you after a year, I can say that Alice is a special school and you are extremely lucky to be a student of this school. It is a wonderful one.

I have visited so many places and the schools, but the energy that I felt here. I could not find anywhere. So all of you should be lucky to be have found such a school where Mr. Valentino, Tenzin la, all the teachers and everyone is so much concern for you.
As you know HH 14th Dalai Lama, and many other Lamas have blessed this school. What does it means, it means that this is school is not a simple one, it is a very special one, that is why so many high lamas and gurus have blessed this school. And this is why this place is not a simple one. It is an extraordinary one.
So all of you are very lucky. Now it is your duty to share, the love and compassion that you are getting here.

I regret that I could not be a student of the Alice in this life, but I believe that in the next life I believe that I will be an ALICINA.
You should learn how to know yourself. It is your duty, to know it. Because only after that you can do something for others. Once again, I would like to thank all of you for letting me be here. It is a great honor for me.
Thank you so much.

Tsewang Tenzin visits the Alice Project Arunachal Branch:
The president of the association Mr. Tsewang Tenzin went to the Alice Project Aruanchal Branch. It was his 3rd visit. He met the teachers, the students, the members of the management team and the village Mukhiya.
He was on a three day trip and in these days he organized different meetings and important topics were discussed and new proposals came for the development of the school there.
Here is a short report from him. He shares as follows: On the morning of the14th Aug I reached at the nearest town to Deban. There Mr. Suchandra the in-charge of the AP Branch had come to receive me. A former student of Alice met me who has been serving as a BSF soldier for 13 years now. He passed out class XII from Alice Project Sarnath. He expressed his happiness and gratitude to Mr. Valentino and Alice Project stating that whatever success he has gained in his life, it is thanks to Valentino and Alice Project. Alice Project students who received education have better character compared to others.
After the arrival at the school I met the teachers and staff. We discussed on matters of the school and its development, On the same day I also called on the Mukhia of the village who is also the president of the school management committee and had detailed discussions on concerned matters in special presence of SuChandra. The next morning i.e. the 15th Aug, it was the Independence Day Celebration. Alice students and teachers, parents and also some senior students from the local governmental school, we all observed the day together.
After the celebration, I again called a meeting of the Mukhia, parents of our students, the leaders of all the local villages and some intellectuals. In the meeting I also invited the representatives of the local NGOs to express their thoughts on matters.. Most of them expressed their thoughts; they mentioned that according to them till now more than 150 Chakma students have already passed out from the schools run by the Alice Project. And they were happy to state that many of them are working in different parts of country, in different society and all are doing well with displaying good characters in their work and in the society.
They put forth a dream, a combined wish that if Alice Project could continue to grow even more with more classes, 5+, 8+, 10+ and finally 12+ progressively, there is a very chance that this school could be the best school in the Deban area. They hope this to happen one day.
Many of the villagers also shared their thoughts that since the arrival/start of this school at Deban, the problems of intake of alcohol and bad habit of gambling have drastically reduced to minimal. Regarding this, they have many things and reasons to state which I will let you when we meet in person.
There’s a good sign of the institution of Alice in Deban, and I saw a healthy Chakma Community in Deban.
Thank you- Tsewang Tenzin
New children in the Alice Hostel:
The chakma students who arrived at Alice in the month of January are doing well. They have been enrolled in the school of Sarnath and they all are doing well. Before joining the regular schools we organized special lessons for them with Master Mohan Lal, the expert teacher and trainer on math following the Alice’s methodology.

Then a group of 15 more chakma children came to the Bodhgaya Branch, they will be studying there. All the children belong to the same village and most of them belong to needy families.

Some of them are orphans while others are semi-orphans. They belong the the families of landless farmers, where they have more than 3 or 4 children. They are not able to offord to send the children to the schools. Therefore Alice’s school , thanks to the generous support of UBI (Unione Buddhista Italiana), Mr. Andrea. We are able to accept them here at the Hostels of Sarnath and Bodhagaya. All of these children are studying in the class 1st to class 11th. And all are doing well. To support them and make their learning easier, skilful and experienced teachers are appointed to given extra lessons, so that they can soon be equal to the normal students. These teachers are not just preparing them to be ready with the scholastically subjects, but the ethics and moral education is also being given to them.

In this series every weekend together with other students of the Sarnath and Bodhgaya Schools, they are joining the Ethical classes.
The new environment and our children at the hospital: The new batch of the chakma students have just arrived in the month of August, and they have come to a different environment than the place where they have been living till now. And in the monsoon it is very easy to get infection and sick. Our children for whom, it was a new place. Several of them started to get sick. It was an alarming sign for all of us. At once the doctors at Bodhgaya were consulted who suggested some blood test and other examinations. We sound that some of them are found typhoid and dengue positive. To avail a better treatment we decided to bring them at the Sarnath Branch and to contact one of the best hospitals called Heritage. Most of the children could be cured by the medicine, but 3 of the little ones Bodhigya, Tuko and Anand had to be admitted.
We took a breath of relax that now the children are ok. But it was not so, it was the silence of storm, as in the ocean, before the storm there is silence and all of a sudden the storm comes and everything is washed away. Similarly happened to our children. Once gain we had to run to the hospitals for the check-up and treatment.
We had to bring all the boys and girls to check them with the Doctors, to avoid the risk of the dengue spreading from one to another. During this time, beside all of us, the two volunteers Francesca and Romina gave their best contributions, giving these children the emotional support, love and care.

The cumulative effort and dedication of the doctors of the Heritage hospitals, our staff and the wonderful ladies like Francesca and Romina, made the miracle and all the kids soon got healed.
About 3 lacks and 50 thousand rupees were spent for all these, but thanks to generous friend of ours Mr. Andrea, we could bear the expenses, without getting much trouble. On behalf of everyone we thank to Mr. Andrea for his kind heartedness, and to Francesca and Romina who gave their love, care, affection, nourishment, feelings and heart as mothers. All of you are so special for us.

Tara temple, dharma in Action: We express our gratitude to Ven. Tashi Dundhup Bhitya la, the in charge of Tara temple for being so generous. The temple making its valuable monthly contribution in offering food, milk , fruit to the resident children and offering clothes with shoes and socks time to time. We express our gratitude also to Tenzin la and his friends who were so kind, they offered 86 woollen blankets for our residential students. This is a great help for them to be ready to face the winter that is coming soon.

The extension of the Ethical project from Sarnath & Bodhgaya to the villages of Arunachal Pradesh:
The ethical project was started on 1septmber 2019 at the Alice Project Sarnath School for first. At that time we had organized this training course with about 80 new students who got admission in our school that year and have never been previously exposed to Alice’s methodology and vision. Thanks to a contribution from HH the Dalai Lama, for six months, these students could participate, for two monthly weekends, in this course that provides: Yoga, meditation, concentration, visualization, memory stimulus, ethics about not-dualism, socialization, education on emotional and transpersonal intelligence.
Since then (except during the closure of school because of the Covid Pandemic) till now, thanks to the donors like Kopan Monastery Nepal, Yu Lo Ko Pa nunnery, Sarnath and the UBI, the project is continuously running every weekend at the Bodhgaya and Sarnath Schools.

Expressing himself about this project, the president of the society Mr. Tenzin said: “There is a big need of such type of moral and ethical education for the man kind. As the bookish knowledge is making a man’s personality imbalanced. People are getting intelligent but the morality is missing in it.
We are planning to start it our Arunachal Branches as well. There we will join the classes of Sarnath and Bodhgaya (online through computer and interment) with the Arunachal Branch. Necessary preparations are being done, the educational materials such as computers, camera, are being purchased. A group of 6 new chakma teachers from different places of Deban are receiving training at the Sarnath Branch, where a teachers’ training is going on with Mr. Valentino.

The village project: Mr. Masum Chakma in charge of the village project at Chengmara,Arunachal Village. We call it the village project, where a school is being run for the under privileged children in a Buddhist temple, which is very generous to allow us to establish our sets up and make the coaching lessons for these children. Everyday these children are taught by Mr. Masum Chakma joining online the lessons with Sarnath School.
On the inauguration ceremony there was Special person HE Jangste Choegyal Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche, school
President (Tenzin La) the villagers, and the students of both school.(Bodghaya and Sarnath). The principal of
the Alice Project Schools Mr. Awaneesh Mishra, introduced to the villagers about the project.. Villagers were
happy because they could the things which were completely new for them. Villagers, said they are lucky to
have the project in their village because in the history of Chakma.

For the literacy classes at first we found more than 20 students which were not going to the school. To teach the student we chose village temple. The parents were not able to send them school because of the financial problem. After few days 30 more such children came to join the group.
Beside the program in the Chengmara and Deban schools, the Alice Project has following program that are going to be executed soon. Some of them are already in progress:
1. Activating the Village school program in the Village of Chengmara.
2.Coaching project : Where 5 teachers are under training, at the Alice Project Sarnath Branch, they will not only help the children of different village of Deban area to learn the math , English , Science and other subjective lessons, but also they will provide the moral and ethical teachings, making them aware about their tradition and culture. So that they can become a student, a person with the balanced personality. Who knows how to deal with the external world and the inner as well.
3. Upgrading the Deban school: To felicitate the Alice’s education to many more children, the management proposed to upgrade the school at Deban, from primary till Junior level and after this to get an affiliation till class XII, via NIOS open schools.
4. Increasing the number of students in the hostels of Deban, Sarnath and Arunachal School.
5. Purchase of advanced educational materials: To facilitate the best education, our aim is to provide them the modern education, so that the students can be ready face the worldly challenges, get a better job, but over all we will work them to be a real Buddhist, if they are followers of Buddha, a real Christian if they are the Christians, over all these to be a better human beings.
6.Online classes : to make this possible, we are working to provide, online lessons attaching them to the Sarnath, Bodhgaya schools, so that they can be better introduced with the Alice Methodology , at the same time, they can have lessons on Dharma and ethics.
7.Preservation of Chakma tradition, the traditional way of healing the people, the weaving and other skills and language : Alice is extremely concern to preserve one of the oldest linage of Therawada Buddhist tradition. ( Chakma oral history says they migrated to Arakan from the ancient kingdom of Magadha in the present Bihar state of India. The Chakma believe they are part of Buddha’s Sakya clan of the Himalayan tribes. They gradually migrated to Arakan and extended their territory to the nearby hills of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.)
So the Alice Project is working to preserve the traditional way of healing the people, the weaving and other skills and language.
Valeria Madam: Happy Birthday:

We would like to remember Madam Valeria On her birthday, a lady with strong affection to Alice Project School, the children of Alice School. It was her 87th birthday and it was a surprise to us to listen her voice on phone, which was extremely emotional for the heartiest wishes that we sent from here to her. – “You are my children, I remember you all so much. I am happy to be your second mother, the mother of all the kids like you. I have a strong affection to all of you. I can see the genuine work with Mr. Valentino is doing in all these years through the Alice’s schools. What all of you are doing at Alice is wonderful. I wish to come once India once again to see you all with my eyes.”

Today is the birthday of a special person, Valeria Selleri .A precious and sincere friend,, supporter, for many years, of the Alice Project, with my heart and with I…. facts. Thanks to her and her dearest Yvonne that Alice has managed to expand beyond the small origins and become one of the most prestigious schools in Varanasi.
When they demolish a school that was just built with the funds of her and her friends “Femme d’Europe”, instead of making us feel guilty for any mistakes made, I assure you: “I will help you build elsewhere!” “.
And he stands by his word. For almost 30 years she’s been close to Alice in good and bad.”Alice must live.” What you are doing is a gift to humanity,” he told us on the phone this afternoon. It’s hard to find people so intelligent, sensitive and generous, capable of looking far and understanding the prophets (who are usually isolated and misunderstood).May God grant you long life, ValeriaAlice still needs your enthusiasm, your humble psychological and cultural support, your Faith.A big, big hug from all your big Alicina family.And thank you for … existence!- Valentino
Completion of the teachers training at Sarnath and the feast :
On 15th of October we completed the teachers training that had started on 18 September, it was a coincidence that the day was extremely special. It was a day of eclipse, the end of Pitri Paksha, (a special period of time dedicated to the ancestors who are no more with us.) The participants were given the certificates and the little pendants with the mirror in it. The mirror was a symbol for all to rememberthat what we are seeing out, they actually are just like the reflections of our mirror mind.
After this a feast was also organized for all the participants, the teachers of Alice Project Schools at Sarnath and Bodhgaya and all the hosteller students.

After adhering to Sarnath school principal’s request to offer a testimony to students about Alice’s non-dualistic vision of scientific pedagogy’s research in Italy and other countries, the project founder continues his “journey” to find himself, first and foremost. and friends who can share the adventure.
The conclusion of the training course saw the protagonist… mirror.
Quoting unsuspecting sources (scientists of quantum physics and neurosciences such as Enrico Belloni, Carlo Rovelli, Niels Bohr,Albert Einstein. Werner Heisenberg, or clinical psychologists like Jung, Assagioli, Laura Gilot, Andrea Bocconi… ), we tried to prove how the brain deceives living beings by projecting outside a world it created by itself.
Each student was given a pendant with a small mirror, to remind that what we perceive on the outside is just a reflection of reality created by the brain and mind. Just as the reflections in a mirror do not represent a tangible reality, material, objective, independent of the mirror, so the external phenomena, for the mind, are nothing but an illusion, such as appearances that emerge from the mirror.
The usual controversial critic could see that we deny external phenomena. “If I pinch you, don’t you feel bad?” If I slap a hammer on your head, don’t you feel pain? “. These are observations from beginners who haven’t meditated enough on their own mind.
There is no denying the pain, the hammer, or the fool who gives (or imagines giving) the hammer to challenge, but we ask ourselves where all this really exists: pain, hammer, silly provocateur…Alice, with others more competent than us, states that the only place to look is where perception originates, that is, in our brain. What is in our brain? The pain, the hammer, the trigger ? No scientist has ever seen a phenomenon in the brain except a frantic dance of nerve impulses and electrical potentials that give the illusion of images, sounds, smells, etc.
Bellone writes: “If we say that a sound or a color is real, for John Locke we are making a gross mistake. Cognitive neurosciences, starting from the mid-19th century, confirm that the stage of life is set up by the brain”.
The stage of life is run by the brain.

So when we see our students, we are actually perceiving an image projected by our brains. In short, we only see what we are creating. Just like in a dream So, we should always keep in mind that at every moment we are seeing the movie created by our brain, thanks to the fingerprints of recent or old memory (illo temp, night of times… ).
The mirror reminds us that, when we enter class, (to stay in the example) we are watching the movie we ourselves produced, created, idea, shot, and… projected.
Before anyone thinks of provoking a… TSO (compulsory medical treatment) for the person in charge of Alice’s vision, I run to the shelter quoting an unsuspecting (as for mental health), Einstein: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. ” —Albert Einstein.
New appointments and a workshop at Bodhgaya School: As the numbers of students have increased in the Branches of Alice’s Schools, the teachers also were needed. Therefore, we recruited 3 female teachers at Bodhgaya Schools and 2 female and 5 male teachers are appointed at Saranth Branch.

All these teachers fulfil the necessary qualifications to work as teachers. Of course they were unknown about the Alice’s methodology. During the teachers training they also participated it and learned.
After the teachers training at Sarnath, a workshop on how to teach Math, English and Hindi to the students using the Alice’s method is currently running at Bodhgaya School. To make the training more live, the students and teachers both are participating it. So it is more practical than the theory.

Leprosy Project and Jhunni Devi: New TV for her:
For years, the school has been dedicated to helping people in extreme difficulty, like this woman with leprosy, and others just like her. Jhunni has a dramatic story we’ve never told before. The arrival of Jhunni, at the alice was 20 years ago, when she was about quit. Quit, means quitting from the life. She was standing at the edge of life, where one more step was to the end of the precious human rebirth.
But it was fortunate, that she was brought to the Alice and since all these years she is here. A lady who was completely betrayed by her husband for first, and then, by the brothers and other relatives, is heartily welcome at the family of Alice. Where she received love, care and support. Alice is fully responsible for her.
We thank to all the helpers and supporting friends, specially to Buddhistichie Akademie and Madam Janina, who have been continuously sending their generous donation to us . A major part of the contribution is spent on the expenses of Jhunni, which includes the medicine, travelling, pocket money, fooding and lodging, insurance and all other such expenses. Rest of the part is spent to support the female students of the school and the hostel.

Collaboration with Alice and Parco de balloon Italy :
Two teachers called Valentina and Sara from Parco dei Balloons in Altivole (TV), after attending the teachers training held at Alice Project Sarnath in August 2022, began to put the Alice method into practice. They were extremely interested and proposed to put into practice with the kids of their school in Italy, after talking to the principal and other responsible of their school.
In the beginning it was not that easy to convince the other teachers and mostly the parents of the students about the method. But because of skilful demonstration of the two teachers – Valentina and Sara together, through online classes with Mr. Mohan Lal from Sarnath School, we made it possible.

Here is how Cinzia, comments on this experience of sharing between the two schools:
We are happy, we see the project growing, results more and more visible. This year in nursery school, the children are immersed in teaching according to the Alice Project Methodology, Valentina deals exclusively with that. And the Primary, with Sara, is doing an excellent job. Those who participate in the assemblies and in the classroom with Valentina congratulate us.

We congratulate to all the people those who are involved in this experimental project. We hope to see a big change soon.
Experience of New chakma teachers:
I am really grateful to Bau (Valentino sir), and Sudhakar Sir for the flawless translation, and wonderful explanation of Mathematical logic by Mohan sir and Deepu sir as well.
From the training, I have learned about the various aspects of our mind and the techniques of how to teach children and deal with real-life relevant problems. the Alice Project Methodology which is concentrated on value-based education, which is very rare. I feel very confident now. We learned how to treat the children in the class. After I go from here, I will share this wonderful experience with others. – Maya Kumar Chakma

FUTURE PROJECTS: for which we rely on the generosity of our friends and supporters. These are extraordinary interventions that our ordinary budget is not able to support.
Construction and Restoration Projects at Sarnath Bodhgaya and ArunachalSchools:
After the closure of Schools due to covid pandemic, the schools reopened, since that time, the renovation work is going on in all the Branches of Our schools.
In Arunachal Branch the tin sheets and the roof of all the classrooms need to remake. We are planning to make
- Kitchen
- Girls Hostel (for 25 girls)
- Toilet for Girls
- Boys Hostel (for 25 boys)
- Toilet for Boys

In Bodhgaya 3 kitchens for the hostel students and guests and teachers who are working there, 17 toilets in school and in the residential compound, and 17 rooms required restoration, painting and white washing.
Beside them there are the huts where the classes, used to run before the pandemic. Needs to be reopened and remake.

At Sarnath Branch the renovation work of 12 toilets and the opening and remaking the roof of 5 class rooms are going on. Beside this the buildings of Sarnath need white washing and painting.

Solar panel: To face the challenge of high electricity price and the power cuts we are going to install the solar panels at Bodhgaya and Arunachal Branches.
While at Sarnath the old solar panels that were installed in 2014, needed to recheck and restated. A company, of Varanasi has been consulted and the reinstallation work is under procedure.

Especially in the places like Arunachal and Bodhgaya where power cut is so often, these panels will be a great help.

Printing project: As all of you know Alice School is an experimental one, so time to time we prepare different educational materials, teaching and learning items. In this series, we are planning to print following books for teaching English and Math. Beside them, there is a proposal to print the books on Ethical Training.

Purchase of camera and laptops:We have bought enough sets of computer, cameras and led TVs for the coaching project at Aruanchal Pradesh Schools. But if we will have enough budgets, new TVS, and CCTV cameras need to be purchased for the Bodhgaya School and Saranth. To make the online teachings more smooth there is requirement of some Laptops and computers.
Quote of thanks:
We sincerely thank to all our friends, donors and supporters for their valuable solidarity and contributions. Your support is vital to continue our important work. We cannot succeed without the generosity of supporters like you.