The Alice Project News August 2017


Dear Friends,

Here we are with the recent updates about the Alice Project, we hope you will love it.

We are very happy to inform you all that after being recognized in America, now it’s the turn of India, thanks to our sponsors of Shining Hope we have our copyright. We dedicate this achievement to all of you friends, with whose untying help and support we are growing more and more.

Sharing this joy the Director of Alice Project Schools, Mr. Valentino Giacomin says: “This is a great achievement for our Society and our research project! We are becoming more and more… professional. We dedicate this new success to all our Alice’s friends.”


The copy of the certificate issued by the government of India, which has been issued recently.


Recently the Independence Day was celebrated with joy and happiness.  On this occasion Mr. Sanjay Kumar ( Sanjay is one of our ex-students about whom we have been sharing in our previous newsletters, who was found by us in a juvenile house and now he has become a yoga therapist)hoisted the national flag as the chief guest and shared his experiences with us:


Sanjay Kumar the chief guest; addressing to the students and hoisting the flag on the Independence Day 

“It is a great honour for me, an unforgettable moment of my life.  I am feeling a deep gratitude and respect to Mr. Valentino ji, Miss Luiginaji, to all my teachers and every single member of Alice Project family for your kindness, love, care and the teachings that I received from you all. Today I have completed my Bsccourse in Yoga therapy and now I am able to help many people and cure those who are suffering from several disease through yoga.  It is a great achievement for me, but this would have never happened by your kind guidance that I received as a student here at the AP.School.  Thank you very much for accepting me as your student and carving me in such way.”



This is a promise which all the students of the AliceProjectSchool made to each other during the lessons of special program. Actually time to time we make an anonymous test with our students how are they feeling at AP. We are conscious about the problems of the modern students which they are facing in the so called VIP schools. We found that the rate of teasing and bullying at the AP school is really very low. They feel happy, loved, and respected.  This is another proof that the meditation, chanting the mantras, yoga, moral and ethical teachings which we are giving to the students is working and it strengthening our belief that education cannot be completed without love, kindness and moral and ethical teachings.


The students of AP School interacting during the special program lessons with Mr. Valentino

A Meeting with the president of the AliceProjectSchool and the teachers from Alice Project Arunachal Pradesh Branch – how to improve the school at Arunachal Pradesh


A meeting was recently organized in the presence of the president of the ASUE, the school principal, Miss Ilaria Gambino, and teachers of AP School in the leadership of Mr. Valentino Giacomin.  It was a successful meeting where the new strategies were made for the school and making the future steps to promote the AP methodology in other schools of India and other parts of the world.

A new guide book for the teachers about the Alice Project Methodology:

This is going to be another mile of stone for us. We are happy to share with all of you that Miss Patrizia Di Edoardo a  primary school teacher that worked for a long time in a very famous experimental school called “Pestalozzi” has come to the AliceProjectSchool. She found that the Alice Project is really doing something extraordinary. After visiting several times here at AP, this year she decided to compose a guide book for teachers about how to use and implement the AP methodology. 

Third recognition for Alice:

The recent good news for Alice’s friends: on the 9September, the Alice Project is going to receive the third prestigious award from Sampuranand Sanskrit University of Benaras. The Motivation of this event will be : ” The value and commitment of Alice’s researchers in a thirty-year search – unique and successful – for the creation of a new educational paradigm capable of integrating the traditional school curriculum with secular ethics based on a proper vision of the Reality (beyond dualism – maya) “.We we’ll keep you informed.

The volunteers:


Group of volunteers: Helen, Ilaria Gambino, Patrizia and DavideMagistroni

We would like to introduce you to Mr. DavideMagistroni and Miss Helen, you can see them in the picture above. They are two new members of our team. They both are young, talented and very much devoted volunteers who want to help the Alice Project now only just as volunteers but they want to be an active part of the team. We are very thankful to both of them and welcome them from the bottom of our hearts for dedicating their help, support and collaboration.

As well as we want to thank all the volunteers who are here and have been helping AP. with their skills and talents, teaching to the students drawing and painting skills, shooting the documentaries, making school videos, supporting us in doing new experiments according to  the AP methodology. You all have been doing a great job. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your presence.


A group of volunteers, Daniello, Francesco and Ilaria,(left)              Students learning body painting (right)

New Experiment on Math with the students – No books, some lights and two dozen rocks…Valentino

We are making a new experiment with two groups of kindergarten students. Out of these two there is a class where the teacher proposes a traditional teaching while the other one is working with a teacher who is working with them according to the AP methodology. The tests were carried out (attention, memory, concentration) at the beginning of the trial started a few weeks ago. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of visualization and meditation to achieve cognitive objectives and cross-cutting behaviour very quickly.


Three weeks later, when we checked the classes, there was a significant difference between the two groups.

To be noted, the zero cost of experimentation. It is not necessary for students to purchase teaching materials to be used individually or books.

Thanksto our Taiwanese Friends for their solidarity and support to Alice Project:

We would like to thank all our Taiwanese friends for their solidarity and the immense help that we are continuously receiving from them. Here we would like to share with all of you friends that our friends from Taiwan are lay people, most of them are workers who do very hard work for their livelihood. Some of them are retired people, and we know how difficult life becomes especially when you are retired. But even after this, these people make contribution and collect annual funds for the Alice Project students. This is why all of our friends from Taiwan have a special place in our hearts.


Mr. Valentino with Mr. Pan, Ching Hui  and Mrs Shih, Hui – Chen

Here we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Pan, Ching Hui   and Mrs Shih, Hui – Chen, who have been supporting us in all these years. Last year they had a big accident where they lost their house and entire things in it. It was a difficult time for them. But even in this difficult time they did not forget the AP school, and this year, like all these years, they made a contribution to us which shows their great love, faith and solidarity with us.

New teachers at the Alice Project Schools:

We would like to welcome all the new teachers who joined the Alice Project family this year. We appointed three new teachers (one male and two female) to teach in the primary and senior classes. As this year we admitted many new students (about 148 students) so there was a lack of teachers. Therefore three well qualified teachers were appointed at the school. We welcome all of them in our family.


A pleasant moment with the group of all the teachers together with samosa and snacks

We would like to thank all of our teachers for their collaboration, without them the Alice Project would have been only in the books and newsletter. It is only because of all of their untiring effort, patience, the love and care that they are giving to the students and their solidarity that the school is becoming bigger year by year and every year hundreds and hundreds of students are getting chance to have a better education.


Finally the residential students of our hostel: 

The hostel of the Alice Project Sarnath has become bigger now, actually the students of Bodhgaya branch have arrived here at Sarnath School. We have organized an intensive lesson program for them, so that they can do a better preparation for their exams which is going to happen soon. They like this new way of teaching here, and they are confident for their success in the board exams.


The other children are also doing well; all of them are growing under the guidance of their teachers, hostel wardens and the care takers. We thank all our sponsors and donors who are specially supporting hostel projects. It is because of their help and regular donations that we are able to cater more than 80 hostel students in all of the three branches of AP School.

So dear friends, now we leave you with some of these images of our kids, we will be back in our next newsletter with some more updates.

With infinite thanks

Alice Project team


Volunteering association “Progetto Alice Onlus” Banca Popolare Etica- Filiale di Treviso,

 IBAN CODE: IT43 I 050 1812000 000000116204

SWIFT CODE: CRTIT2T84A (From abroad Italy)

Fiscale code of the No profit organization, if you want to give 5X1000 to Alice Project: F.C. 94059510266

Ref: Luigina De Biasi – e-mail: , tel.0438 893325

“Progetto Alice Universal Education School ONLUS” (Friuli) ITALY

Banca Popolare di Vicenza – Fil Cividale del Friuli (UD)

IBAN CODE:   IT41 N 05728 63740 731570528546

BIC / SWIFT CODE: BPVIIT22731   (From abroad Italy)

Fiscale code of the No profit organization, if you want to give 5X1000 to Alice Project: F.C 94103860303

Ref: Agata Montevecchi – e-mail: , , tel. 0432 731021 – 339 4840132

Bank account details in India

Awakening Special Universal Education – Bank of India, branch Bodhgaya, Gaya (Bihar)

Swift Code BKIDINBBCOS – Fcra: BKID0004479 – A.N. 447920100000010


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