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  Alice Project Schools : Report about the Chakma Project

The batch of new chakma students with Mr. Masum Chakma

The journey was beginning on 21th January 2023 from Sarnath to Koikila (Arunachal Pradesh). The project was to teach spiritual teachings to the villagers and literacy classes for the woman and the child. We took with us one Laptop, one conference camera and internet connection. The screen we will buy in the village because it’s heavy to carry.

After 2 days of travelling we reached at the village. After reaching at village we went to temple did some prayer and hanged Tibetan religious flag in the Temple.

Talking with some villagers and the Temple monk where we can put the screen.

We talked to the abbot monk of the temple and some villagers for the allowing us to hang the TV and other set ups.

It was not easy to hang the screen on the top. It took 3 hours to hang the screen. In the photo you can see how many people are helping to hang the screen. There was school engineer in the photo who went to Arunachal to help us.

Workers hanging the LED TV

On the inauguration ceremony there was Special person HE Jangste Choegyal Kyabje Gosok Rinpoche, school President (Tenzin La) the villagers, and the students of both school.(Bodghaya and Sarnath). On the inauguration our school principle introduce to the villagers about the project and the intentions of the project. Villagers were happy because they are seeing the things which are new for them. Villagers are lucky to have the project in their village because in the history of Chakma they never seen this type of project in their life. In the End villagers thanks to the sponsors for the project.

The inauguration ceremony

For the literacy classes we found more than 20 students which were not going to the school. To teach the student we chose village temple. The parents were not able to send them school because of the financial problem.

The first lesson with the local chakma children in the village temple.

After few days there were more than 30 students who were not going school. But we stopped accepting after 31 students because it’s not easy to teach alone 50 children.

The meditation session during the lessons

In the beginning we thought them meditation, how to recite the mantras then we started to teach the Alphabet and others things. Most of the students were in the class were girls because the parents they don’t send the girl in school. In the class from 31 students we had 22 students which are girls.

The tailors taking measurements for the uniform for the children.

To all the students we offered note books, games and a uniform. On Sundays children clean the area of the temple. Where there school is also running.

Children cleaning the temple premises.

After few months we started literacy classes for the woman. For the literacy class to the woman we bought one more screen. In the beginning there were not so many woman because everyone were busy in the farming.

The literacy project

Parents are helping us to clean another room inside the temple where we can teach. Actually teaching inside the temple its was making so much noise.

We inspired the villagers and explained the meaning and the profit of the mantra chanting. Which made them very much interested and they too participate in our non-stop 24 hours Tara Mantra chanting program.

A woman is reciting the mantra and onther old man is learing the mantra.

We ask for a meeting with the villagers to discuss about the proposal of making some rooms inside the temple, because from many months we were using temple property for the classes.

The little participants of the Tara Mantra

Children are learning Math with Mr. Rohit Chakma who has recently attended a teachers training at Alice Project Sarnath.

Math lessons
The students with the new uniforms

After three months finally the tailor has given the uniform.

After some times, out of the 31 students Alice Project administration decided to bring 15 students to the Bodhgaya for the higher studies. And the rest they can study in the temple until we don’t have other plans.

Children of the first group, ready to leave for Alice Project Bodhgaya

Some of these children were travelling for the first time in the train. They were so excited and happy to see new world.

The children in the train

After the long journey from Arunachal to Bodhgaya, it took 2 days to reach here at Alice Project Bodhgaya Branch.

We thank you all the Alice’s friends, specially to Unione Buddhista Italiana (UBI) who are supporting us to run this project for all the underprivileged chakma children to get a chance for better education. Indeed it is a great help and support for all of us. Your help to our community is sincerely appreciated .With the help of  donations from supporters such as you we will continue to see improvements in our school.

Thanks again for your support

Best wishes

Team Alice Project

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