Venerable JetsunPemala, pays a visit at Alice Project Bodhgaya


It was a great honor to all of us that the sister of HH the 14th Dalai Lama, Ven. JetsunPema la, (who has been  awarded the UNESCO medal in 1999), together with her husband and some members of the Tibetan Parliament paid a visit our Bodhgaya School on 10th of January.

All the students, teachers, volunteers and the whole Alice Project Family welcomed them together with the school director Mr. Valentino Giacomin and the president Mr. Tsewang Tenzin la. Students according to the traditional Indian way of welcoming sung the welcome songs and offered garlands to all the guests.


(The president, Mr. Tsewang Tenzin la, introducing to the students)

The president, Mr. Tsewang Tenzin la, introduced her to the students and on behalf of the whole Alice family we requested her to address the students.  In her talk to the students she expressed her ideas about the tireless effort which the Alice Project is doing to give a better chance of education to the students of India.


While talking to them, she said that: “ I have visited the Alice Project Sarnath School in past also, and now it is the second time that I am here. I am very happy to see all of you and I praise the work that Alice Project is doing in all these years. I can feel the positive energy here and I am assure about the educational method of Alice Project which is able to fulfill the real meaning of Education which love, kindness and spirituality.

It reminds me the words of Mahatma Gandhi where, he said that the education without these qualities has not meaning. I can clearly see these moral qualities in the methodology of the Alice Project and I am fully assured that it has the solution of all the problems of the modern age which is appearing because of the lack of right Education.

I am very happy to see these happy faces of all these students which prove that the Alice Methodology is working. There is so much to learn here, it’s a pleasure for me to be here.

I thank to all of you for such welcome and we assure for collaboration between Alice Project and our center.” 

 Then she visited the classes, where she was very impressed to see the way how the teachers and students are working in the classrooms. She could practically see how the Alice Project is working in a practical way combining the education with Dharma.


(Ven. Jestun Pema la vising the school )          (Mr. Tsewang Tenzin la introducing AP)

She could see the students doing meditation, concentration, visualization exercises and singing Mantras and Bhajans in the divine Language Sanskrit.  She was very much impressed about the environment of the school which was very peaceful and clam. Although there were more than 350 students in their classes working with their teachers a divine peace was spread everywhere. On seeing this she said:“There is a big need of schools like Alice Project to the mankind.”

Then a meeting was organized together with all the people with her and the director and the president of Alice Project. A copy of our recent publication (The Drop of Indian wisdom – Everyday meditation for universal Ethics)was offered to her.


After staying about 2 hours at the school premises she went back with a promise to come back soon and congratulations to the entire work of Alice Project. .


The event was concluded by the thanking speech by the director Mr. Valentino Giacominwho expressed a deep gratitude to all of the guests and everyone present there. He said that it is the HH the 14th  Dalai Lama who changed his life and guided him for working in the field of education, who after checking the divination about his future career has said thrice : “ Education is Excellent!, Excellent! And Excellent!”This saying of HH gave him a new direction for his life and it is only because of his words and his inspiration that now after all these years the Alice Project is in to the real existence.

As Mr. Valentino said, now it is the time for him to show the result of his work after working 24 years at in India


 The Alice Project team

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